Temperature is Dropping, Anticipation is Rising!
As the Fall semester comes to a close and students prepare for finals and term project deliverables, GLCM students start planning and packing for our international trip. In January 2025, GLCM returns to the Republic of South Africa also known as the “Rainbow Nation” for its diverse cultures, religions, and ethnic groups. Follow our adventures the South Africa blog posts starting January 6th.
Spring 2024 is halfway out the door
Spring break is finally upon us and GLCM is headed to Nashville for this year’s domestic trip. See you next week with a country twang. Follow our travels on the Nashville Blog Posts.
Interested in joining GLCM?
The slides from the town hall information session can be found in the link below. Additionally, please add yourself to the GLCM Mailing list using the link below to apply and learn more about the program.
Interested in applying? Join the GLCM mailing list? Click Here!
GLCM Town Hall Information Session Presentation Slides